Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Recycle Coat Hangers In Austin Texas

Wire hangers can easily be recycled by taking them to a dry cleaner.

Recycling is something every person can and should do. Even the smallest effort pays great rewards in reducing a person's carbon footprint. Sometimes the effort can be derailed, especially in larger cities, because there is no efficient way to recycle certain objects. Since plastic hangers are not recyclable and since over 8 billion of them find their way into the trash every year, keep those to use in the home and recycle all your wire hangers. The City of Austin, Texas, has partnered with several places in the area to make certain those wire hangers are recycled and do some good for the city. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Recycle wire hangers by taking them to a dry cleaning service. Jack Brown Cleaners will accept wire hangers back from their customers and donates the profit from this recycling effort to the ReLeaf Program run by the city. To date (2010), 23,000 trees have been planted within the city limits. Austin Cleaners has partnered with the city to promote themselves as the premier Austin hanger recycler. They offer cardboard hanger caddies in which people store their wire hangers prior to bringing them in for recycling.

2. Reuse wire hangers by using them in craft projects. Use wire hangers to build wreaths and Christmas tree craft projects.

3. Stretch old pantyhose across the open portion of the coat hanger, and use it as a net to catch minnows or butterflies.

Tags: wire hangers, Austin Texas, craft projects, partnered with, taking them