Monday, March 14, 2011

Get Rid Of Radon In Your House

Radon gas can cause lung cancer and other health problems.

Radon is an odorless and tasteless gas. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers; it kills 20,000 people annually. The EPA suggests homes should not have radon levels of 4 picocuries (a unit of radioactivity) per liter of air. Test radon levels by using an inexpensive radon gas detector available from your local hardware store. If you suspect that radon is in your home, take preventative steps to reduce and remove the radon immediately. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Open all windows. According to, the most common way to reduce radon levels is to vent out the home by allowing air from outside to enter and mix with the radon gas.

2. Install wall fans or use box fans in several rooms of your home. With the windows open, turn the fans on to facilitate airflow and to further vent out your home.

3. Seal all gaps around utility pipes and cracks in your basement floor with caulk. Once the home has been properly ventilated, seal off gaps and cracks. Radon commonly seeps in around these areas. Sealing these areas will prevent radon levels from increasing after you ventilate the house.

4. Hire a qualified radon contractor in your area and have her install radon-reduction systems in your home. For more complicated fixes, you should hire a radon contractor. The contractor can install such systems as soil radon reduction systems and subslab suction systems that further facilitate airflow and ventilation and reduce radon levels. See the link in Resources for a state radon office near you.

Tags: radon levels, your home, cause lung, cause lung cancer, facilitate airflow, lung cancer