Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ground An Electrical Outlet With No Grounding Wire

Ground an Electrical Outlet With No Grounding Wire

Ground an electrical outlet with no grounding wire by installing a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) receptacle. The National Electric Code (NEC) allows three prong GFCI outlets to exclude ground wires due to the built-in breaker switch that trips at the indication of a short. An electrician may insist on grounding a GFCI during installation, but it is not required for most applications. A GFCI without ground wiring is not considered safe for computers or microwave ovens, but it will accommodate all other household electrical items. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Shut off the electricity running through the circuit at the breaker box. Check both sockets with a volt tester or a working night light to be certain the power is off. Lock or tape the breaker box closed and hang a warning sign to keep anyone from turning the switch back on while you work.

2. Remove the old receptacle. Use a slotted screwdriver to remove the screw in the center of the cover plate. Loosen the top and bottom mounting screws that hold the receptacle to the outlet box.

3. Pull the receptacle away from the wall and examine the wiring. A black or dark-colored wire will be attached to a brass terminal. Mark that with tape as the hot wire. The neutral wire, usually white, is attached to a shiny silver terminal.

4. Remove the wires from the old receptacle and prepare them for the new one. Loosen the terminal screws with a Phillips screwdriver. Cut the bare wire off the ends with wire cutters. Strip 1/2 inch of the insulation off the ends by bitting gently into the shielding with the blades of wire cutters and twisting them around the outside of the wire. Pinch the end of each individual bare wire between your thumb and forefinger to twist the strands together.

5. Attach the wires to the GFCI terminals. Wrap the exposed twisted end of the hot wire around the brass terminal on the GFCI outlet marked "Line" in a clockwise direction. Tighten the terminal screw with all exposed wire under the screw head. Attach the neutral wire to the silver terminal marked "Line" with a clockwise wrap around the terminal, tightening it over all bare wire.

6. Place the GFCI outlet into the box and secure the upper and lower mounting screws. Put the cover plate on around the outside of the sockets and screw in the plate screws. Label the outlet to indicate the absence of a ground wire. The NEC requires this for safety.

7. Turn the power back on at the breaker switch and push the "Test" button between the sockets. Push the "Reset" button to restore power to the outlet.

Tags: bare wire, around outside, brass terminal, breaker switch, cover plate