Monday, May 16, 2011

Repair Leaks On The Roof Of A House

Repair leaks before they cause further damage.

Water stains or mold on the ceiling indicate that water is damaging it. You can also sometimes smell a damp odor. If the ceiling sags, the water damage could be serious. Even small leaks can eventually lead to bigger problems, so you should repair the leaks as soon as possible. If the problem is too complex for you to handle, contact a licensed professional to take care of it; for example, call a professional when there are multiple leaks, when you can't find the leak source or when your previous repair job leaks again. Does this Spark an idea?


Locate the Leak

1. Wear flat-soled footwear to avoid damaging the roof as you walk on it.

2. Climb up on to the roof and locate the leak. You can usually see a crack on a shingle or on the metal flashing where two roof planes meet.

3. Go to the attic if you can't find the leak from above. Find puddles of water and mark the position of the leak source.

Seal Hole or Crack in Shingle

4. Remove any debris around the leaking shingle using a brush with metal bristles.

5. Mix the roof cement according to the manufacturer's instructions.

6. Apply the roof cement to the hole or crack in the shingle using a caulking gun.

Replace Shingle

7. Lift the shingles around the shingle that is damaged beyond repair and find any protruding nails.

8. Remove the protruding nails using a pry bar.

9. Remove the damaged shingle.

10. Use a scraper to remove old roof cement.

11. Slide the new shingle in place. Otherwise, you also can use two or three layers of roof patches instead.

12. Hammer in four galvanized roof nails on the corners of the shingle or roof patches.

13. Use a caulking gun to apply roof cement to the heads of the nails.

Seal Metal Flashing

14. Use a caulking gun to apply caulk over the hole in the metal flashing.

15. Use a putty knife to apply roof cement on any areas where the roof cement cracks.

16. Apply roof cement to any exposed nails to prevent corrosion.

Tags: roof cement, Apply roof cement, caulking apply, find leak, leak source, protruding nails, roof patches