Monday, November 28, 2011

Care For A Fig Tree In Winter

Grow potted figs in northern climates and take them indoors in winter.

The best winter care you can offer your fig tree is to help it enter dormancy before the first freeze. Although fig trees come from the tropics, they are hardy to about 15 degrees Fahrenheit as long as they're not actively growing when the temperature drops below 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Suspend irrigation and fertilization at the right time to prevent the plant from producing new growth into frosty weather. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Water the fig tree through the end of the growing season in the fall, and then, stop irrigation until winter to induce dormancy. In winter, water the tree to the root zone every two weeks.

2. Feed fig trees a 10-10-10 fertilizer up to five times in the growing season. Apply the last serving by the last day in July so the plants have time to stop developing before the first frost.

3. Cut fig trees at least 2 years old close to soil level in the fall to protect them from the winter weather. Allow them to develop as multi-stemmed plants, like shrubs, in spring. Repeat this step at the end of every season.

4. Make a temporary shield for young fig trees, as mature plants are too tall for this option. Staple carpet or burlap to three or four two-by-fours hammered into the soil around the fig tree to block cold and wind.

Tags: before first, degrees Fahrenheit, growing season