Friday, November 11, 2011

Repair An Aerostar Front Bumper

The Ford Aerostar front bumper is made of hard plastic and does not dent or ding easily. Most of the damage that occurs on the Aerostar front bumper is from punctures, creating holes or rips in the plastic. Since the Ford Aerostar is no longer in production, replacement bumpers are difficult to find. Learn repair an Aerostar front bumper, so you can complete repairs yourself.


1. Sand the damaged area with 180-grit sandpaper, until the edges of the puncture and surrounding areas are smooth. Apply body filler over the hole or puncture and around the area with a plastic squeegee. The filler should be thick and protrude from the area. Allow the filler to dry for one hour. Sand the filler with 180-grit sandpaper, until it is smooth and even with the bumper.

2. Wipe the repaired area with wax, grease remover and a towel to remove any dust or grease particles. Place masking tape and paper around the area to block over-spray from landing on the surrounding surfaces.

3. Apply a thick coat of primer over all areas that were sanded. Let the primer dry for 30 minutes before sanding it with 220-grit sandpaper. Sand lightly. Do not sand through the layer of primer. Wipe the area again, using the wax and grease remover.

4. Spray three thin coats of paint, allowing each coat 15 minutes to dry. Hold the spray can six inches from the surface while spraying. Apply three thin coats of clear coat paint, allowing each to dry for 15 minutes. Remove the masking tape and paper, and wait a full day before handling the repaired area.

Tags: Aerostar front, area with, front bumper, 180-grit sandpaper, 180-grit sandpaper until, Aerostar front bumper