Monday, December 12, 2011

Repair A Slanted Garage Roof

Roof deterioration can threaten the entire structure.

Garage roofs, like all other roofs, age, break down and eventually fail if they are not maintained. Typically, quality shingle roofs last 15 to 20 years, if they escape major damage from weather and other sources. Tin and other metal roofs last much longer. As with any structure that continually bears the brunt of weather and the elements, roofs should get your immediate, undivided attention when problems do arise. Ignoring them can risk other and more extensive damage to the rest of the building. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Examine the roof carefully. Do not get on the roof to walk on it, risking a collapse under your feet, since you already know there is a problem. Use binoculars instead. Stand on the ground and walk the entire length of the roof, one side at a time, looking for the source of the problem.

2. Roof leaks will destroy the beauty of antique ceilings.

Continue the inspection by walking the entire interior of the structure to hunt for signs of leaks. Look closely over the entire ceiling to find any signs of water penetration. Examine the floor thoroughly next for similar signs.

3. Enter the attic space, and use a flashlight to inspect the roof from underneath the decking. Search for darkened stains left by water that has gotten under the shingles. Feel the insulation for any moisture as well.

4. Trusses like these support the roof decking, felt and shingles.

Pay special attention to the roof rafters while you are inspecting the attic spaces. Use a 3 to 4-foot long stick or other probe to check the rafters where they are joined to see if they are still structurally sound. Check the bracing of the rafters at the tops and bottoms.

5. Follow these steps if you find a leak. Look at the size of the hole. Decide if it can be patched with roofing sealant, or if more drastic action is needed. Use a tar-based shingle sealant, following proper use instructions, to seal small holes.

6. Good roof repairs should be covered with new felt and shingles.

Tear off the shingles and felt down to the damaged area if you discover decking damage. Use a claw hammer to remove the damaged area. Then, nail down new decking, felt and shingles to accomplish this repair.

7. Rafters like those on the front of this new house construction need to be strongly reinforced or replaced when damaged.

Repair damaged rafters by using what are called "scab boards." Nail a new board the same size, usually a 2 by 6, into and along side the broken or damaged rafter to reinforce it, then lift the decking back into its original position. Use one or more scab boards, depending upon where the rafter is broken, to re-establish the joint and structural integrity of the rafter.

8. Restore broken roof trusses with metal plates nailed to the boards over the breaks. Use an angle iron with pre-drilled nail holes to re-align and fortify trusses wherever breaks are found

Tags: felt shingles, damaged area, decking felt, decking felt shingles, roofs last, scab boards