Thursday, July 4, 2013

Selfadhesive Vinyl Repair

Self-adhesive vinyl tiles are one of the most inexpensive flooring solutions. In addition to being light on labor, they can be installed by even the most remedial home decorator. Because they are not as resilient as other flooring types, they are prone to damage. The most common need for repair is from scratching and scuffing, and from burns. Armstrong Flooring recommends that when purchasing and installing new vinyl flooring that you purchase extra flooring tiles to replace tiles that get damaged. Even if you did not install your vinyl flooring, there are ways to repair damage to your vinyl flooring. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Heat the tile that needs to be removed. Direct the blow dryer over the tile long enough to heat it up and get the edges loose. Set the edge of the putty knife between the cracks of the tile and push under it to loosen the tile.

2. Scrape the area the tile was in with the putty knife to remove any adhesive residue. Ensure the replacement area is clean and level.

3. Remove the backing from the replacement tile and set it in the open space.

4. Follow the same steps for removing a damaged tile when replacement tiles are not available, such as when you move into a place that already has had tiles installed. Use the blow dryer and putty knife to remove an undamaged tile from an area not frequently used. Swap the two tiles. Scrape the flooring areas thoroughly and, if possible, scrape the backing of the tiles to remove old adhesive. Apply a thin layer of adhesive to the back of the tile with the putty knife before installing the old tile to the new location.

Tags: putty knife, vinyl flooring, your vinyl flooring, blow dryer, knife remove, putty knife remove