Thursday, July 11, 2013

Select And Install A Storm Shelter

In-Ground Storm Shelter

Storm shelters, safe rooms or basements are a necessity for anyone living in the central United States, otherwise known as "Tornado Alley". These shelters provide protection and a general sense of security during the Spring storm season and other periods of inclement weather.

For those families looking for an in-ground concrete storm shelter, there are a few things to consider prior to installing one.

This "How To" will walk through some of those steps in an attempt to provide you with more information as you consider buying a storm shelter. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Do Your Research

Prior to purchasing any storm shelter, you should always do your research to determine the best type for your situation. It's always a good idea to check out FEMA's website first to determine which storm shelters are best for any given situation. See links below.

Other ways of determining type are to stop and ask your neighbors if you can take a quick look at theirs. Most are more than happy to give you a quick tour. If you have a county or state fair at your location, take the time to attend. Most manufacturers have displays at those locations.

Home and Garden shows are another location where you might find a display.

In some cases, based on information within the FEMA Website, it may be possible to obtain Federal funding based on your location and/or situation.

Once you have a pretty good idea of the type of shelter you want, start searching the internet for different storm shelter manufacturers. In some cases, manufacturers will drop the shipping fees if you are a customer within their state.

2. Select the Location

Location of your storm shelter is important. You will want to locate the shelter as close as possible to your home so you can get to it quickly. The location will also need to have good access so the shelter can be delivered and equipment can be used to prepare the hole.

Once you have identified your location, you should call your utility company out to flag/mark your yard before any digging takes place. You should also obtain any permits required.

3. Digging the Hole

If your storm shelter manufacturer requires a contractor to dig the hole prior to delivery, you will need to make sure they dig the hole to the manufacturers specifications. These specs are in place to ensure the manufacturer can deliver and place the storm shelter properly and ensure it will last trouble free for years to come.

Tags: storm shelter, your location, good idea, Once have, some cases, your storm, your storm shelter