Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fix Pinhole Rust

Fix Pinhole Rust

Any patch of rust on a car body is a problem that should be addressed quickly. The dings from rocks, curbs, road salt and snow driving all penetrate protective paint and let rust develop, weakening metal and spreading if left unaddressed. Inspect your car body frequently, to catch rust at the pinhole stage. The smaller the spots, the easier the repair. Larger spots will require professional help, tools and paints. This basic repair method can be done at home and applies to other rust-prone objects: yard tools, bikes and appliances.


1. Don protective gear. You are working with metal dust and chemicals. Protect your hands, eyes and breathing from possible danger.

2. Sand off visible rust. This can be done by hand for very small spots; use a power sander to remove a rash of spots. If possible, sand both sides of the metal where rust has occurred. Pinhole rust can penetrate metal completely. (The word pinhole describes both the size of the spot and the damage it can do.) Attacking the problem as soon as you see it lets you remove spots while they are still fairly close to the surface.

3. Wash the sanded area thoroughly with a grease-cutting detergent, rinse and dry. Then apply epoxy filler with a putty knife to rust spots and the surrounding area. Let dry and sand smooth.

4. Apply rust-resistant primer. Let dry thoroughly. Then apply auto paint (small quantities can be found in auto-supply stores) either with the applicator provided or spray. For tool handles or bike parts, hardware stores usually stock suitable paints. Cover the entire area sanded down with both primer and finishing coat and feather it to blend with existing paint. Extending the new painted area slightly beyond your sanded area will help retard further rust development; don't skimp with coverage.

5. Make it a practice to inspect rust-vulnerable car and tool surfaces frequently, to head off small problems before they become large and destructive. Seams where metal joins metal are particularly prone to rust accumulation. Do an additional wipe-down on your car after visiting the car wash, and wipe tools dry after every use.

Tags: sanded area, Then apply