Thursday, February 24, 2011

Get Free Solar Panels In Indiana

Large solar panels

Many homes and businesses have started to install and use solar panels in order to save money on electricity. The panels turn the sun's light into usable energy for the home or business. Although solar panels are financially beneficial over time, the initial expense of purchasing the panels is overwhelming and sometimes impossible. In Indiana you can research numerous avenues to obtain free solar panels. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Research online to see if there are any free solar panels advertised on websites such as Craigslist. Most advertised solar panels will not stay online long, but it is worth checking. Also, post an advertisement on Craigslist for the various cities in Indiana and state the desire to obtain, repair and use panels that are going to be discarded.

2. Look at businesses around Indiana and make note of any buildings that have solar panels on the roof. The Clean Technica website suggests locating the names and contact information for local construction and contractor companies. Many companies use solar panels during construction processes and look to get rid of old or damaged solar panels.

3. Call and schedule an appointment to go and talk to the individuals in charge of the maintenance and disposal of the solar panels for the various businesses and construction or contractor companies. The Clean Technica website notes that disposing of solar panels is expensive, so many companies will give them away in order to avoided paying a substantial disposal fee.

4. Repair any solar panels that you obtain. You can replace most wires within the panels if necessary and repair and seal cracks securely using clear silicone. The Clean Technica website explains that even damaged solar panels are usually still able to operate at between 10 to 60 percent, so you can collect a decent amount of energy using older panels.

Tags: solar panels, Clean Technica, Clean Technica website, Technica website, construction contractor, construction contractor companies