Auto body repair techs repair and refinished damaged car bodies and repair vehicle frames. Formal training programs are available in high schools and vocational schools; it's also possible to receive training on the job. Does this Spark an idea?
The median salary for auto body repair techs as of May 2009 was $18.26 per hour, or $37,980 a year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The top 10 percent received $30.76/hour, or $63,980, while the bottom 10 percent made $11.12/hour, or $23,140.
The top-paying industries for this profession are spectator sports and courier services, both of which pay $27.40/hour, or $56,980. This is followed by the U.S. Postal Service, which pays $27.09/hour, or $56,340.
Salaries can vary by state, with Alaska at the top with a median pay of $27.37/hour, or $56,920, followed by Maryland at $22.95/hour, or $47,740, and Minnesota at $22.91/hour or $47,660.
Tags: body repair, body repair techs, repair techs