Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Service A Window Ac

Keep it clean and it will keep you cool.

Give your window air conditioners a check up and cleaning each spring. Turning on an air conditioner on the first hot day and not getting the cool air you need is very disheartening and brings to mind the idea it needs expensive repairs or more Freon. Clean it out first before calling a service person. Regular cleaning can save you from expensive service calls. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Unplug the air conditioner, take it outside and place on a drop cloth.

2. Take the grill and filter off from the front and unscrew the metal case, being mindful not to damage the coils.

3. Wash the filter with plain water or install a new one.

4. Put the soft brush on your vacuum cleaner and use it to clean the coil's fins.

5. Cover the wires and motor with plastic. Spray water from the side with the fan through the fins.

6. Use a clean cloth to wipe the unit and check the drains to make sure they are not clogged.

7. Allow the air conditioner to dry completely.

8. Check the owner's manual for specific instructions about lubricating the motor and take care of it while you have the opportunity.

9. Put the air conditioner back together and re-install.
