Monday, August 27, 2012

Find Housing For Disabled People

Housing for persons with disabilities continues to be a major challenge. The demand is growing as America’s population ages since about half of all people will acquire an impairment at some point in their lives. Fortunately there are a wide variety of resources available to help find housing for disabled people. This article describes the steps you can take to find housing for disabled people.


1. Determine what accommodations are needed. Because impairments are diverse, so are the needs of the individual with a disability. In some cases the need may be for financial assistance only. In others, specific modifications to a residence such as a wheelchair ramp are necessary. For persons with intellectual or psychiatric disabilities a group home might be appropriate. Finally, for persons with severe disabilities, assistance must be provided for doing daily tasks. Consult the person’s doctor or rehabilitation agency beforehand to find out what is required.

2. Contact the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD provides a number of programs and maintains a list of approved counseling agencies in local areas. In some cases they can provide financial assistance as well. You can reach HUD by calling toll-free at (800) 569-4287 or visiting their website.

3. Look for financial assistance from government agencies. In addition to HUD there are a variety of financial assistance and grant programs. Go to to research federal grant opportunities. If you or someone you know is facing financial difficulties due to a disability, act promptly to avoid eviction or foreclosure.

4. Contact an Independent Living Center (ILC) in your area. ILCs are nonprofit community organizations inspired by the founding of the ILC movement in San Francisco in 1968 and have grown to a national network. Independent living is an approach that allows persons with disabilities to live on their own and provides necessary accommodations, assistive devices and personal care as required. Use the link below to find a Center in your area and to learn more.

5. Get in touch with state and local agencies. Every state has a Department of Vocational Rehabilitation and most administer housing assistance programs. Other resources include the United Way and local service organizations working with disabled people, such as centers for the visually impaired.

Tags: financial assistance, persons with, Center your, Center your area, disabled people, housing disabled, persons with disabilities