Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Do It Yourself Dvd Repair

Do-it-yourself DVD repair

In many cases, a DVD can be repaired using convenient do-it-yourself techniques. For heavy scratches, a cleaner such as Brasso can effectively be used to repair a DVD. For lighter scratches, household products such as toothpaste or a banana can be used to repair a DVD.


Using Brasso

1. Put some Brasso onto a clean cloth.

2. Take the cloth with Brasso and rub it onto the scratched DVD’s surface in a circular motion. Once the scratches have disappeared, clean the Brasso off the DVD with water.

3. Air-dry the DVD and then test it in a DVD player.

Using Toothpaste

4. Put toothpaste on a clean cloth.

5. Take the cloth with Brasso and rub it onto the scratched DVD’s surface in a circular motion. Once the scratches have mostly disappeared, clean the toothpaste off the DVD with water.

6. Air-dry the DVD and then test it in a DVD player.

Using a Banana

7. Cut a piece off the banana.

8. Take the banana and rub it onto the scratched DVD’s surface in a circular motion. Then take the peel of the banana and rub it onto the DVD’s surface.

9. Rub the banana residue into the DVD’s scratches while cleaning it with a cloth. Then clean the DVD’s surface with glass cleaner. Once dry, test it in a DVD player.

Tags: DVD’s surface, Brasso onto, circular motion, DVD’s surface circular, onto scratched, onto scratched DVD’s, scratched DVD’s