Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Donate Old Computer Parts To Charities In Ny

If you have an old keyboard take it down to your local NY charity.

If you have recently upgraded your computer equipment, you may have some retired equipment on your hands. Instead of letting your old computer parts sit around to collect dust, donate them to local charities. The process is simple, quick and will leave you feeling great about your contribution.



1. Contact the charity of your choosing. Consult the Yellow Pages to find the one nearest you, or visit the NY Charities link in the Resources section below. Call ahead and ask if they are accepting donations of electronics and computer parts. You may be asked to schedule a particular time for delivery.

2. Collect all of the old parts you intend to donate. If they have been stored for awhile, dust or clean them off as a courtesy to the charity. Load them carefully into a sturdy box, ensuring there is no room for shifting while in transit.

3. Drive to your local charity. Some establishments will have a designated area for loading and unloading of goods, so park carefully. If there is no unloading area carry your box of old computer equipment into the store and notify the staff. If necessary, ask a clerk for help unloading.

4. Ask a clerk or representative for a receipt. While donations should be made out of good will and no concern for personal profit, the government considers large donations tax-deductible. Keep track of this receipt as you will have to indicate what you have donated when filing your taxes.

Tags: your computer, computer equipment, computer parts, local charity, will have