Monday, June 28, 2010

Checklist For Possible Home Repairs

A checklist can make home repairs more affordable.

Whether you're thinking about a home remodeling project or putting your house on the market, knowing what items need to be repaired is essential. There are many components that go into a safe, well-maintained home, and without making a checklist, you can miss something vital that can end up costing you more money. For most homes, the major areas for possible repairs include fixtures and appliances, roofs, plumbing, heating and electrical systems and the foundation. Does this Spark an idea?

Appliances and Fixtures

Major appliances such as refrigerators, stoves and dishwashers should be checked to ensure that they're in optimal working order. If something needs to be fixed, you should calculate the repair costs versus the value of buying a new appliance. This is more important if you're selling your house versus making upgrades and improvements. You should also inspect fixtures such as toilets, sinks and faucets to assess repair or replacement options.


Determine whether there are leaks from a damaged roof or whether shingles need to be repaired. A contractor can inspect the roof to assess its condition and evaluate the need for repairs or replacement. You should also determine whether a new roof would add to the value of your home, since this can be the deciding factor in what option you choose.

Plumbing, Heating and Electrical

The main cog of any house is the mechanical system that keeps the air conditioning, heating and water running. The plumbing system should be checked for clogs and leaks, both inside and outside the home. This includes leaky toilets, faucets, outdoor hoses and sprinklers. Toilets that flush, refill and still continue to run may increase your water bill. Heating and cooling components such as water heaters, air conditioning vents and furnaces should be inspected for potential repairs. The electrical system should also be checked to ensure proper wiring and blowout protection.

Foundation, Mold and Termites

Checking the foundation of the house for structural integrity is important for determining possible repairs. Older homes tend to have certain structural problems that get worse over a period of time. In addition, all the walls of the house, including in attics and basements (if applicable), should be inspected for signs of mold or termite damage, both of which can be expensive to eradicate if not detected early.

Tags: should also, checked ensure, need repaired, possible repairs, should checked, should inspected