Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Diy Stucco Repair

Stucco is one of the original materials used to cover houses. Originally, the material was made purely from dirt, but now it is made from much stronger materials. Since stucco is applied as one large piece, when a crack or other damage appears on the wall it can mess up the finish on a much larger piece of the wall. However, stucco can be repaired with a few simple tools and tricks. Does this Spark an idea?


Stucco repair requires several tools and supplies. Eye protection is essential during the first stages of repair. A hammer and chisel can be used to break off any loose stucco. Mesh and metal clippers are used to cover the newly exposed area. Of course, if the area is just a crack, mesh is not necessary. Enough stucco should be purchased to cover all cracks and missing segments around the house. Stucco can be purchased at most home supply stores. Use a trowel to apply the stucco. A wheelbarrow and shovel make a great place to hold the stucco mixture. Use the shovel to mix the stucco.


Use a hammer and chisel to eliminate the loose stucco around the crack or missing piece. Take away all stucco until it stops coming away easily. Clean the area with a damp cloth. If the stucco was removed to the bottom slats or siding, place a mesh metal piece over the area with roofing nails to give the stucco something more to hold onto. Apply three coats of stucco, 3/8 inches thick each. Let each coat dry before applying the next coat. It should take about 24 hours for a coat to dry. Blend the last coat into the stucco that is already present on the walls. Dampen the edges of the old stucco to create a firmer bond. Apply a finish if the original stucco is not smooth. Usually, flicking some remaining stucco over the new segment will help blend it in with the old piece.

Tips and Tricks

Apply builder's paper under the mesh piece to provide additional weatherproofing to the walls. Attach with roofing nails. An acrylic bonding agent mixed in with the stucco will. help prevent future cracks and damages to the walls. The best way to get the coats to stick on top of each other is to score the coat while still somewhat wet with a trowel or stick before applying the next coat. For small cracks in the surface of a stucco wall, caulk can be applied into the crack to help prevent the crack from widening.

Tags: applying next, applying next coat, area with, before applying, before applying next, hammer chisel, help prevent