Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Decorate An Advent Church

Prepare your church for the Advent season.

Before the Christmas season begins, the church celebrates a four-week period known as Advent, during which Christians prepare their hearts for the birth of Christ. The name Advent is taken from the Latin "adventus," which translates as arrival. This is not, however, part of the Christmas season. Therefore, Advent has its own hymns, readings and decorations that best depict its solemnity. Although Advent decorations should be visible to remind those present of the season, they should also be simple to not take away from the church's functionality. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Install an Advent wreath. Advent wreaths are symbols used to represent the vigil churchgoers keep when the birth of Christ is near, repenting for their sins and preparing their souls. These wreaths have three violet candles and one pink candle to represent the four Sundays of Lent. One candle is lit each week, and the pink candle on the third Sunday. On Christmas Eve, all four candles are lit, along with a new white candle in the center.

2. Drape the altar and pulpits in violet cloth. Violet, historically the most costly color to create, is the main color of the Advent season, as it was used in ancient times by kings. It is still used today to represent Christ's coming.

3. Incorporate a Jesse tree. Jesse trees are a tradition that stems from Isaiah 11:1, which states that, "A shoot will spring forth from the stump of Jesse, and a branch out of his roots." The branch is a sign of growth from death, and hope from despair. It has been used as a symbol for Jesus, who was sent to give the people hope. Jesse trees are decorated in symbols from the Old and New Testaments, paving the way for Jesus' birth.

The symbols, in order that they appear on the tree, are a stump with a growing branch, the Earth, a snake and apple, the ark, a star, a ram, a ladder, Joseph's many-colored coat, a burning bush, a lamb, the Commandments, the walls of Jericho, a water pitcher, a crown, a shepherd's staff, a stone altar, a tent, a whale, a tower, sandals, a heart, a hammer, the guiding light, a cradle and the cross. One ornament is placed on the tree each day during the month of December.

4. Include a nativity scene. Like the advent wreath, a nativity scene depicts the vigil being kept in preparation for Christ's birth. Remember, however, that the infant Jesus is not to be laid in the manger until after Christmas.

Tags: Advent season, birth Christ, Christmas season, Jesse trees, nativity scene, pink candle