Monday, September 16, 2013

Remodel A Moldy Mobile Home

Mold can be a mobile home's enemy.

Any home remodel, no matter the type of building you live in, is a big project. Adding mold to the picture only lengthens the amount of time it takes to complete the remodel. Mold is the growth of tiny spores that thrive off heat and humidity, and its growth can compromise the strength of the walls, floors and/or ceiling of a mobile home. Mold can also affect your health, so it is important you eliminate it during the mobile home remodel process. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Remove all furniture and personal items affected by mold from the mobile home and place the items you want to throw away in plastic garbage bags. Wear rubber or latex gloves and a painter's facemask during this process.

2. Fix any leaks in the home. These repairs should include broken or leaky pipes, faulty window seals and roof leaks.

3. Use a household cleaner specifically for killing mold on small areas of the home and personal items affected by mold per the instructions that come on the cleaner's bottle.

4. Place a fan on the areas affected by mold that you just cleaned, along with a dehumidifier in each applicable room, until each area and item is completely dry.

5. Replace any carpet and carpet padding affected by mold damage with new materials.

6. Replace the walls and insulation in the mobile home that experienced mold damage.

7. Install an air conditioner in mobile home as part of the remodel project in order to prevent future mold growth.

8. Weatherize your mobile home if you experience cold weather during the year because when water freezes, it expands and can cause pipes to burst. A burst pipe can lead to water damage and mold growth in your mobile home.

Tags: mobile home, affected mold, your mobile home, items affected, items affected mold