Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Does Homeowner Insurance Cover Poor Maintenance

Often homeowners are shocked when they file a claim and have it rejected by their insurance company -- particularly when it concerns water damage. Whereas certain types of losses including water damage are covered by home insurance, those stemming from poor maintenance generally are not. How do insurance companies make their determinations on whether to pay out on a claim? The difference between poor maintenance and insured risk is often a very fine line. Each insurance company differs in their determinations and it is usually worthwhile to submit the claim, even if you have doubts they will pay out on it.

Sudden Occurrence vs. Long-Time Leakage

Most home insurance policies have provisions for burst water pipes and sudden explosions from water heaters or other appliances, but what about that dripping air conditioner or the unknown leakage within the wall for the past 10 years behind your shower pipe? In general, it is the presence of a 'sudden occurrence' which differentiates whether or not the company will pay the water claim on pipes or appliances. Adjusters are looking for the dominant or effective cause of the damage that the policyholder has made a claim on.

Storm-Related Losses

Many are outraged when their home policy will not pay out on a leaking roof, especially since the 'storm caused it'. If the roof is in poor repair, the insurance adjuster will make the determination whether the water damage was caused by the storm or was simply an eventual deterioration of the roof itself (unable to stand up to normal conditions). Also, builder defects are generally NOT covered under your insurance policy.

Submit the Claim

It is never a good idea to second-guess an insurance company and not file a claim. There are exceptions to every rule and you may be surprised when an insurance company pony-ups on a seeming maintenance issue. Always have your insurance agent call in the claim or do it yourself, even if he tells you it is not covered. Insurance agents are NOT expert claims professionals; although they can give you well-meaning advice it is still best to call in the claim.

Outside Maintenance

The best protection for your home is to keep it properly maintained. Roofing professionals recommend inspections twice per year -- once in the spring and once in the fall. Air conditioning units should be subjected to routine maintenance and checked for leaks or cracks. Keeping trees trimmed and sidewalks and porches free from debris, repairing rotten molding and keeping the outside of the house freshly painted will all go a long way towars keeping your home safe.

Inside Maintenance

Although some appliances should be regularly serviced by a professional, there are many ways to inspect the interior of your home for potential problems. Cracked or leaking washing machine hoses should be replaced immediately and dryer venting regularly cleaned out to avoid a fire hazard. Large appliances should never be powered by an extension cord. Check the interior ceiling and walls for any signs of water damage such as a stain or possible bulge near your shower or tub fixtures.

Tags: insurance company, water damage, your home, appliances should, call claim, file claim, home insurance