Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Advantages Of Having A Pc At Home

Having a home PC gives you access to a wealth of information.

According to a study by The Nielsen Group in 2008, slightly more than 80 percent of American households have computers. People who own home computers know the myriad benefits of this technology, especially when coupled with the Internet. The same Nielsen study reports that nine of 10 computer owners in the country has access to the Internet.


One of the chief benefits of having a home computer, especially one with access to the Internet, is the immediate availability of virtually any information a user desires. When a computer user wonders about anything from the next day's weather forecast to biographical information about a celebrity, she can find that information out in a matter of minutes on the computer. Even without the Internet, a computer user can use informative software such as the Encyclopedia Britannica to have access to information.


Students who don't have home computers may struggle with their assignments. Not only will not they have the same access to information as their peers who have computers, they will be inconvenienced when needing to complete assignments. Because many schools require that formal assignments such as essays are submitted as typed documents, these students may have to visit a friend's house or the school computer lab to complete their work.


Whether you use your computer for purchased games, online games or downloaded music and movies, a home computer has plenty of value as a source of entertainment. Regardless of the age of the members of your household, the computer can entertain everyone. Kids can play educational games and watch downloaded children's programs, teenagers can play online games with friends and adults can enjoy downloading the latest CDs and movies for themselves and the family.


If you have children in your household, it's likely they use the home computer as a research tool and for completing school assignments. Likewise, adults can also use the computer to get work accomplished. A busy parent may use the computer to complete the requirements of a distance education diploma, while another may use it on evenings and weekends to get ahead on work for his job.

Tags: home computer, access information, access Internet, computer complete, computer user