Tuesday, May 11, 2010

North Dakota Housing Grants

Low income residents of North Dakota may benefit from affordable housing grants.

The state of North Dakota provides a number of grant programs designed to help low income residents of the Peace Garden State to acquire safe and affordable housing. These grants offer assistance to those who wish to buy their own home, but due to economic hardships, lack the down payment or closing costs necessary to do so. The state also offers several grant programs offered through cooperation with the federal government to help with the costs of rent.

Start Program

The Start Program is a grant program funded through the North Dakota Housing Finance Agency. The purpose of the Start Program is to provide economic assistance to low income, would be home owners who are struggling to obtain the funds necessary for the down payment on a home of their own. In order to qualify for down payment grants through the Start Program, applicants must have at least $500 of their own funds to contribute in addition to the funds provided from the grant. Applicants must also meet income qualification limits, be residents of the state of North Dakota at the time of application and use the funds towards the down payment on a home within the state. Applicants must apply directly through the North Dakota Housing Finance Agency to see if they qualify.

North Dakota Housing Finance Agency

2624 Vermont Avenue

Bismarck, ND 58502



North Dakota Roots

The North Dakota Roots program is a program issued through the North Dakota Housing Finance Agency. The Roots Program provides grants and low interest loans to newcomers to North Dakota who wish to purchase a home. These grants and low interest loans are designed for low income residents who have recently relocated to the state or those who have returned to the state of North Dakota after an extended absence. In order to qualify for grant funding through the Roots Program, applicants must have lived outside of the state of North Dakota for at least 12 months prior to becoming a resident of the state and must work at least 20 hours a week. Applicants must also meet income guidelines and be using the funds to purchase their first home within the state. Interested applicants must apply directly through the North Dakota Housing Finance Agency to see if they qualify to participate.

North Dakota Housing Finance Agency

2624 Vermont Avenue

Bismarck, ND 58502



North Dakota HUD

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is a federally funded program that provides housing assistance to low income renters and home owners on individual state levels. The North Dakota branch of HUD provides grant funding to residents of the state of North Dakota who wish to perform necessary repairs to their home but do not qualify for loans through alternative banks and issues grants that may be used towards the purchase of a HUD approved home. The North Dakota branch of HUD also provides grant funds in the form of vouchers that can be used towards the cost of rent with HUD approved apartments, mobile homes and houses. In order to qualify for grant funds through the North Dakota division of HUD, applicants must apply directly through their local HUD office to see if they meet income qualifications for participation.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

451 7th Street S.W.

Washington, DC 20410



Tags: North Dakota, Dakota Housing, North Dakota Housing, Dakota Housing Finance, Finance Agency