Friday, July 22, 2011

Design A Great Cleaning Business Flyer

One of the hardest parts of owning and operating your own business is building clients. While businesses that have been in operation a few years will benefit from word-of-mouth referrals, finding new clients is always a challenge. Using flyers to promote your business is a great way to build brand awareness and alert potential clients to your services at a very low cost to you. Designing a great cleaning business flyer doesn't require an advanced knowledge of editing software or design principles; all you need to do is hit a few key points.


1. Create a tag line for your company. Your tag line should be present on all of your advertising, as well as your business cards. Think of popular brands and their tag lines -- how many shoe companies, for instance, have posters that say "We Make Good Shoes" instead of a catchy slogan? Create a tag line that works for you and use it as the headline of your flyer, in large print.

2. Aim for clarity. A well-designed and attractive flyer isn't very helpful if it doesn't get the point across. Does your cleaning business do carpets? Are you a housekeeping service? Do you focus on windows or yard work? Make sure that potential clients can read your flyer and know exactly what services you provide.

3. Use negative space. In the design world, "negative space" describes all of the parts of an ad that don't have images or text. Negative space can draw attention to important parts of your flyer and contribute to the overall aesthetic of the design. Additionally, using negative space helps prevent overly wordy flyers. Think about flyers you've read in the past -- how many words does it take before you stop reading?

4. Create a reason for clients to contact you. As an example, a free estimate is a great thing to offer on your flyers. This provides a risk-free reason for clients to reach out to you and gives you a second chance to explain your services and sell your business. Make sure your contact information is easy to find.

Tags: your business, your flyer, cleaning business, Create line, Make sure