Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Grants For Women With Breast Cancer

Pink ribbons have become the symbol of breast cancer awareness.

Life changes the instant a woman receives a breast cancer diagnosis. Breast cancer, no matter what the prognosis, is a traumatic event. For women without health care insurance and other resources, it is not only a medical but financial issue. Grants are available to help such women during this difficult time.

Avon Breast Cancer Crusade

The Avon Breast Cancer Crusade, part of the Avon Foundation for Women, funds breast cancer research along with access to treatment and support services for underserved women worldwide. According to Avon, every three minutes in the United States, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, and someone dies every 14 minutes from the disease. It is the world's most commonly diagnosed type of cancer.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure Affiliate Community Health Grants

This national foundation awards affiliate community health grants to thousands of organizations across the country. Along with education and screening, these grants also include funding for treatment for women diagnosed with breast cancer. Susan G. Komen for the Cure also funds International Community Health Grants, which help local nonprofit organizations increase access to care, among other goals.

Cis B. Golder Quality of Life Grant

The Cis B. Golder Quality of Life Grant awards small grants to women diagnosed with breast cancer in the Philadelphia area for treatment and quality of life improvement. These are one-time grants to women in need. Funds are paid directly to service providers, not the applicant. Grant money may be used to pay mortgage, rent or utility bills, transportation costs, child care, food and personal needs, along with wellness or health services such as complementary therapies, breast prosthesis or wigs.

Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation Grants

Women diagnosed with breast cancer and living in New York's Hudson Valley may be eligible for funding from the Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation. Women may apply for the Medical Care Gap Fund, which assists individuals faced with emergency costs not covered by health insurance during breast cancer treatment. It also funds a boutique at Vassar Brothers Medical Center where eligible women under treatment for breast cancer may receive items related to treatment. Other grants provide one-on-one counseling sessions for newly diagnosed breast cancer patients and complementary medical or therapeutic treatment.

Tags: diagnosed with, diagnosed with breast, breast cancer, breast cancer, Breast Cancer, breast cancer