Thursday, February 9, 2012

Florida Citrus Inseason Growing Information

Florida oranges are some of the finest grown in the United States. Knowing a little bit about what the oranges are like and when they're in season will help consumers make informed choices. Does this Spark an idea?

Naval Oranges

A naval orange is very large, sweet and seedless, and known for the naval shape on the bottom. They're in season from November to January.

Honeybell Tangelos

Honeybell tangelos, a cross between tangerines and grapefruit, have a short season. They reach their peak mid-January through early February. They're easy to peel and seedless.

Valencia Oranges

Famous as an orange juice, Valencia oranges are juicy and sweet, with few seeds. Their season is mid-February through June.

Ambersweet Oranges

Like their name implies, ambersweet oranges are sweet and full of flavor. They're easy to peel and high in fiber. They're in season November through mid-January.

Temple Oranges

Temple oranges are available mid-January until early March. They are flavorful, easy to peel and have few seeds.

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