Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Repair Fiberglass Steps For A Mobile Home

Look at just about any mobile home and you'll see there are steps leading to the front door. That's because mobile homes are built on a permanent chassis and sit off the ground. The steps are almost always made of either wood, concrete or fiberglass. If fiberglass cracks, it can detract from the appearance of the home's entrance and may also be a safety hazard. But there is a permanent solution. Only attempt this repair if you are certain your fiberglassing skills are up to par. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Scuff up the area around the crack or hole with 80-grit sandpaper. This provides a better surface for the fiberglass to adhere to. Remove all flakes and splinters from the cracked area using a razor blade. Finally, push the crack together so the two edges of the crack are aligned.

2. Cut fiberglass cloth into strips about an inch wide and long enough to cover the entire cracked or damaged surface. Cut enough strips to cover the entire area in a crisscross fashion.

3. Mix resin and hardener in a mixing container. Follow the measuring ratios for hardener to resin carefully. You may add more hardener to speed up the drying process. Use a wood Popsicle stick or paint stirrer to mix your resin.

4. Submerge one piece of fiberglass into the resin, coating the entire surface with resin compound. Apply this strip across the damaged area. Submerge the next strip in the resin and do the same. Coat and apply strips until the entire damaged area is covered.

5. Allow the resin to harden and cure overnight. The following morning, sand down the resin with 200-grit sandpaper on a sanding block until smooth. Do not sand down to the fiberglass cloth, only sand off the resin compound.

6. Apply a fiberglass primer to the surface of the repair. Allow this to dry for several hours or as indicated. Then, apply a matching coat of fiberglass paint to your steps using a paint brush or roller and allow this to dry as indicated on the label.

Tags: compound Apply, cover entire, damaged area, fiberglass cloth, resin compound