Monday, August 20, 2012

Mobile Phone Repair Training

Mobile phone technicians undergo either formal or informal training.

Mobile phone dysfunction is a common occurrence especially through water damage or broken screens. Mobile phone repair training provides trainees the skills to handle broken cell phone handsets. Repairing mobile phones is a professional practice.

Relevance of Training

Mobile phone repair training improves professionalism in the field. Cell phone repair training is important to reduce costs on purchase of new handsets when the old ones are still functional. Repairs will cut down on the disposal of broken handsets into the environment hence controlling e-waste. Repair of mobile phones also reduces maintenance of these phones since with training you can do the repairs yourself or use it as skill to generate income.

Mobile Phone Repair Techniques

Repairing mobile phones equips you with various techniques beyond just repairing faults on the cell phone. Among the skills you will acquire are repair of camera phones, as well as the assembly and disassembly of different types of mobile phones. Training in mobile phone repair also equips you with knowledge working of different integrated circuits and the tools to use.

Training Providers

Cell phone repair training providers have outlined courses for this study. Each course has its own cost breakdown, but the entire training is $125 as of January 2011. This cost is for you to become a level-2 phone repair professional and the course is online. For hands-on cell phone repair training, the costs are higher -- about $700 -- and this includes repair training for smart phones, including iPhones and BlackBerrys.

Tags: phone repair, mobile phones, phone repair training, repair training, cell phone