Monday, August 9, 2010

Repair A Hairline Crack In The Basement Floor

With the passage of time, all concrete and cement structures will deteriorate to the point at which cracks will begin to appear. Depending on the quality of the concrete and the quality of the pouring job, some concrete structures will begin cracking sooner than others. While cracking in basement floors does not signify a structural emergency, it is recommended that any cracks that appear be taken care of fairly quickly to prevent spreading and weakening. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Inspect the crack to determine whether there is any water in it. If there isn't, you can use a normal cement filler to repair it. If there is water in it, use hydraulic cement instead. Both of these are available at home improvement stores and come with instructions as to mix them properly.

2. Chisel out the crack to get rid of any loose chunks, and then clean the crack of dirt and debris using a rag and/or something that blows air forcefully, such as a leaf blower.

3. Repair the crack with your cement filler or hydraulic cement by applying it to the crack slowly until it is completely filled. Wait several minutes, and then take a cement smoother and smooth it out over the crack.

4. Allow it to sit a day or two so it can cure completely, and then use a paintbrush or roller to apply several coats of polyurethane sealant to the repaired area.

Tags: cement filler, hydraulic cement, structures will, there water, will begin