Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Repair Refrigerator With Water In The Bottom

Repair Refrigerator with Water in the Bottom

Most modern refrigerators are self-defrosting. This means that the refrigerator is able to automatically eliminate any frost that may accumulate during a given cycle. Self-defrosting refrigerators contain a defrost timer, which allows the refrigerator to self-defrost every 6 to 8 hours. When the timer turns on, the defrost heater is activated, and any excess frost is melted away. The water drips down through a tube and into a pan at the bottom of the refrigerator, where it is evaporated by a fan. If you notice water collecting in the bottom of your fridge, it probably means that there is a problem with the drainage or evaporation system. Does this Spark an idea?


Clean the Defrost Drain

1. Find the defrost drain. It is usually located under the vegetable bin and looks like a small hole in the bottom of the fridge.

2. Remove anything that might be obstructing the drain.

3. Pour hot water down the drain to unclog any additional buildup.

4. Observe the water. If it goes down the drain, you probably fixed the problem. If not, go on to Section 2.

Clean the Drain Pan

5. Find the drain pan. It is usually located at the bottom of the fridge, and looks like a tray. There will probably be buildup of water in the drain pan.

6. Remove the drain pan and clean it in the sink with warm soapy water.

7. Inspect the pan for any cracks or damage. If the drain pan is damaged, it may be draining the water too quickly, which is causing the water buildup in the bottom of the fridge.

8. Replace the drain pan if necessary.

Tags: bottom fridge, down drain, Drain Find, drain usually, drain usually located