Monday, September 24, 2012

Make Cosmetic Repairs To Your Rental Property

Keeping your rental property in good condition attracts better tenants and keeps your property looking good. A regular maintenance schedule keeps you aware of any issues in the building and prevents problems from becoming more severe and expensive through neglect. You can hire a property maintenance company to manage your building or save some money by learning do minor repairs and maintenance yourself. Maintain a good relationship with your tenants, and they can help you to keep an eye out for any problems in your building.


1. Keep the exterior of the building in good condition by painting it when necessary and by being sure that gutters, drainpipes and roofing are all in good condition. Failing to do any of these things increases the risk of water going where it shouldn't and rotting exterior siding.

2. Check toilets, sinks, bathtubs and showers for leaks and other problems once or twice a year. Replace washers in dripping faucets and gaskets in running toilets. These repairs make your property a more pleasant place to live and also save you money spent on wasted water.

3. Repair walls in between tenants. Some tenants are harder on property than others. If the interior walls of an apartment are grungy or damaged, do some simple spackling and sanding followed by a fresh coat of paint.

4. Replace leaky windows to save a lot of money on heat. Because new, insulated windows are expensive, you can spread this expense over time by replacing a few every year until the entire property is done. Save a lot of money by buying and installing the windows yourself. Many people are intimidated by this job, but it isn't that difficult; just be sure your new windows are the right size.

Tags: good condition, save money, your building, your property