Monday, April 1, 2013

Clean A House With Roundworms

Roundworms live in the intestines of hosts such as pets and humans.

Roundworms are intestinal parasites that affect both you and your pets. These parasites lay eggs in the intestines and defecation passes the eggs. Exposure or ingestion of these eggs can lead to visceral larval migrans, which is rare, but dangerous, especially to children. Prevent this disease by disinfecting your home properly. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Put on a N95-rated dust mask when cleaning up feces infected with roundworms, such as that of a raccoon or rodent. Protect your skin and clothing with disposable gloves, rubber boots and disposable full-body overalls.

2. Remove cat feces from the litter box daily to keep your pet's litter box sanitized and prevent further infection. Clean litter pans regularly with a solution of chlorine bleach diluted in water to disinfect the area. If your dog defecates inside your home, remove the feces immediately.

3. Lightly spray any dried feces with water to avoid dust inhalation of roundworm eggs. This will also keep the feces and eggs from breaking apart.

4. Cut away contaminated insulation if a raccoon or rodent has defecated in an attic or area with exposed insulation. Misting the area first will prevent dust inhalation. Scoop the insulation in a heavy-duty garbage bag and dispose of the feces.

5. Boil any instruments used to remove feces, such as a scraper or shovel. Boiling water is one of the most effective ways to decontaminate equipment and kill roundworm eggs.

6. Pour boiling water on floors and decks to kill any existing roundworm eggs. Use caution when cleaning with very hot water.

7. Steam clean your carpets to remove roundworm eggs. Once dry, quarantine your pets to another room and sprinkle salt on the dry carpet. Allow it to sit for a few days and vacuum. Throw away the waste from steam cleaning or vacuuming immediately after pickup.

Tags: roundworm eggs, dust inhalation, raccoon rodent, when cleaning, your home, your pets