Thursday, April 18, 2013

Plant Flowers In Las Vegas

There are many beautiful flowers that can grow in the extreme temperatures of Las Vegas.

Growing beautiful flowers in the hot, dry climate of Las Vegas can intimidate even the most-experienced gardener. Minimal rainfall and poor soil quality are a reality in many parts of Nevada, and Vegas is no exception. Rather than ignoring these gardening hurdles, you should work with them and start with flowers that are adapted for desert survival. With a little extra care, you can cultivate gorgeous flowers that will rival those grown in much milder climate conditions. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Purchase flowers from a local nursery. They can point you in the right direction and show you varieties that work well in your soil and climate. The Nevada Native Plant Society recommends choosing native plant species to aid in water conservation and limit the need for pesticides.

2. Prepare the planting area. Las Vegas soil tends to be dry, salty and have high pH levels. Some soils are also cement-like--covered in a layer of lime referred to as caliche. Salty soils can be irrigated with a large amount of water to remove excess salt. Dry, sandy soils can be improved by composting or adding other organic material, then working it into the soil with a garden tiller or hoe. High pH can be neutralized with sulfur. If your soil is especially difficult to work with, consult a local nursery for assistance. You may also consider container gardening as an option rather than fighting with soil that needs altering before it can be planted. A general guideline is to choose an area with loose, slightly sandy soil that has adequate drainage.

3. Plant your flowers as recommended by your nursery or the attached instructions. Some types should be planted in early spring, while others require fall planting. The exact depth at which to plant will vary as well. Generally, the hole you dig for your plant should be several inches wider than the root mass and provide enough room for roots to spread out freely. Once you have your plants set, fill in the hole with soil and pat lightly around it with your hand.

4. Water your new plants deeply, ensuring the soil is saturated. Most flowering plants--even desert adapted varieties--need soil to remain moist to survive. When rainfall is scarce and temperatures are very hot, you should expect to water your plants more frequently. If you are in doubt, dig a small hole next to your plants so you can feel the soil a few inches down. If it feels dry, watering is needed.

5. Add a thin layer of mulch around your flowers. Mulching your plants has several benefits. It aids in moisture retention, helps to regulate soil temperature and discourages weeds from sprouting around your plants.

Tags: your plants, flowers that, around your, beautiful flowers, local nursery, soil that