Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Find Grants For Emergency Help With Utilities

Governmental and non-profit agencies can help consumers pay utility bills.

Paying for home utilities is often a struggle for many families. If a home has no heating in the winter, it is unhealthy for a family to live there. It may be necessary to find emergency aid in such situations. Governmental and non-profit agencies can provide assistance through grants. Applying for grants may be somewhat confusing at first, but with a little planning, the process can go smoothly. The assistance may be in the form of discounts for service or free equipment such as cell phones.


Low Income Energy Assistance Program

1. Go to your state's website or office of the federal Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Links to each state's office can be found on the federal LIHEAP website. The LIHEAP program is administered by different agencies depending on the state. Some may be part of the Department of Social Services in each county, others administered by the Office of Economic Opportunity (see Resources).

2. Determine if your household is eligible for assistance. Household eligibility includes having at least one U.S. citizen or non-citizen who meets the eligibility criteria, meets an income test, has reserves at or below a certain limit and is responsible for its heating bills.

3. Acquire the forms and instructions. These may be available on many state or county websites or at the public library. It may be necessary to call the agency and request that the forms be mailed to you. Make an appointment with the agency and go in and visit them in person for help in applying.

4. Gather materials to document household income and expenses. Most applications will require a pay stub, a bank statement and tax returns to document income. Utility bills, car payment statements and mortgage or rent statements will usually be required to document expenses.

5. Fill out the application carefully. Copy the application and back up receipts and forms and file it. Send the application with the income and expense items to the office given on the application. If a fax number is given, fax the application. If a mailing address is given, mail it. Be sure to put enough postage on the envelope. Do not mail the originals of the income and expense materials unless required by the agency's instructions.

Lifeline and Link-Up cell phone programs

6. Free or low-cost cell phone services are available for low income families.

Visit one of the governmental or cell phone carrier websites to download an application for either the Lifeline or Link-Up cell phone programs or both. Search the carrier's website for keywords such as "low income" to find the instructions with qualifications and their application.

7. Determine if your household meets the specific criteria. Each carrier has different limits for income and expense amounts, which may be different from those of the LIHEAP programs.

8. Gather and photocopy income and expense materials according to the instructions on the application. Make sure everything is legible.

9. Send the application with the correct postage. Do not mail the originals of the income and expense materials unless required by the agency or carrier.

Tags: income expense, cell phone, expense materials, income expense materials, application with, Assistance Program