Thursday, January 12, 2012

What Are Good Flowers To Plant In The Winter

The variety of flowers to plant in winter is more limited than in warmer seasons. It's possible to plant flowers in early winter as long as the ground hasn't frozen yet, or in late winter when the ground has thawed even though frost may still be in the forecast. After planting, water well and cover with 6 inches of mulch to protect the new plants from freezing winds.

If the ground is frozen to a depth of several inches, it's not feasible to plant, even if the plants are dormant. Even if the ground has thawed, if temperatures don't reach above freezing, planting flowers in winter is difficult. Does this Spark an idea?


Many spring flowering bulbs should be planted after the last frost in fall but before the ground freezes. These bulbs require a chilling period of 6 to 16 weeks depending on the type. Tulips require the longest chilling period and daffodils the shortest. Some daffodil varieties, such as narcissus, don't require any chilling.

Plant the bulbs with the flat end down and the pointy end up. If you get confused as to which end is which, don't worry about it. The bulb knows and will send its roots down and its leaves upward. It just may take a bit longer to get going. The planting hole should be about three times the length of the bulb. Smaller bulbs aren't planted as deeply as larger bulbs.

Bulbs that Bloom in Winter

Crocus, glory in the snow, star flowers and helleborus are all flowers that bloom in the winter but need to be planted in the fall. Iris unguicularis blooms in white, purple and blue and can be seen peeking through the snow.


Perennials are plants that bloom season after season without having to be replanted or coming up each year from seed. Dormant perennials look like sad little bundles of twigs with scraggly roots attached. Don't worry: They'll perk right up in the spring. Plant so the juncture between the roots and twigs is at ground level.

Perennials that Bloom in Winter

Winter jasmine is a sprawling shrub better treated as a vine. It blooms during the winter months. Witch hazel has long slender petals that curl up tight in cloudy weather but extend their petals in the sunshine. Forsythia has beautiful yellow flowers that can often be seen in bloom at the end of winter.


Annuals are plants that bloom gloriously for one season and then die back. Many annuals are self-seeding and will come back year after year. Several types of annual flowers can be planted in early winter and will reward you with blooms in early spring. These flowers include calendula, cornflower, larkspur, pansy, sweet alyssum and stocks.

Tags: chilling period, early winter, flowers that, ground thawed, plants that, plants that bloom, require chilling