Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Write A Letter To Stop The Foreclosure Process

Write A Letter to Stop Foreclosure

If you are having a hard time paying your mortgage or have been given a notice of foreclosure, you may be able to letter a write to stop the process and explain the financial hardship you are facing. This may prevent foreclosure or at least slow the process down a bit. Follow these steps for drafting the letter.


1. For starters, you will need to round up any and all information that might help prove your financial hardship including the following items: all housing and mortgage documents, income tax information and proof of financial issues. Make sure to include bills, debt and other documentation that will prove you are having a hard time making the housing payments.

2. Once you have gathered all the needed information, you need to start your letter. Your letter should clearly inform the bank why you are behind on your payments and why you are having financial hardship. The writer should request that the company compassionately consider the request made and see if any modifications can be made to make the payments more affordable.

3. Make sure that the letter is clear and concise. An easy format to use when writing a letter to stop foreclosure includes: a subject line, which is a powerful sentence to sum up the request; an explanation in which you should give only the information needed to make your request; and a resolution. You should give clear statements on how you think the matter coan be resolved to make payments and contributions towards payments. Leave room to debate negotiations that be might help you work out payments.

4. Also, you may want to add that if this a family home, it can be used as a form of debt consolidation. Explain how losing a family home may be a setback for everyone, as well as the bank if it's almost paid off.

Tags: financial hardship, family home, hard time, having hard, having hard time, Letter Stop