Friday, December 3, 2010

Repair A Washing Machine Hose

Don't let a burst hose ruin your laundry day.

A leaking washing machine hose is not only inconvenient, it's a danger. Because washing machines also use electricity, a burst hose in the location of an electrical outlet can lead to injury or even death. Therefore, it's important to repair any leaks in a washing machine hose as soon as possible. There are a couple of ways to do this: a quick fix and a long-term solution. Use the quick fix if you are in the middle of washing and discover a leak. Save the long-term solution for when you have more time to deal with repairing a washing machine hose. Does this Spark an idea?


Emergency Repairs

1. Turn off the water supply for the washing machine by turning the supply knob clockwise.

2. Turn off the power for the washing machine at the circuit. Do not attempt to unplug the machine, especially if the area is wet.

3. Clean off the outside of the washing machine hose with a towel. Make sure it is dry.

4. Use a piece of sandpaper to roughen up the outside of the hose.

5. Wrap the hose in electrical, plumbing or duct tape. Start about 2 inches or so below the hole and wrap the tape upwards in a spiral until the hole is covered. Continue wrapping until you are at least 2 inches past the hole.

Permanent Repairs

6. Turn off the water supply for the washing machine by turning the supply knob clockwise.

7. Turn off the power for the washing machine at the circuit. Do not attempt to unplug the machine, especially if the area is wet.

8. Cut out the damaged portion of the hose so that both the end of the hose still attached to the water supply valve and the end of the hose you disconnected from the washer have smooth and flat ends.

9. Take the free end of the hose to your local plumbing or home supply store. Find the appropriate hose repair coupling that fits your hose.

10. Attach one end of the coupling to the side of the hose still connected to the water supply. Insert the other coupling into the free end of the hose. Tighten the couplings in place with the compression clamps. Connect the two ends of the hose together with the new coupling. Reattach the hose to the washing machine inlet.

Tags: washing machine, machine hose, washing machine, water supply, attempt unplug