Friday, August 12, 2011

Ways To Lower An Electric Heating Bill

Keep fireplace dampers closed to prevent heat from escaping out the chimney.

Heating a home can be costly, especially during an exceptionally cold winter season. Electric heating systems can use a large amount of electricity, which translates into a large bill from the utility company. Making some changes around the home can reduce the workload on the electric heater and save money on the electric utility bill. Does this Spark an idea?

Turn it Down

You can lower an electric heating bill by turning down the thermostat when it doesn't need to be as high. Turn the thermostat down when no one will be in the home, and turn it down about 10 degrees overnight. Automate this process by adding a programmable thermostat. Programmable thermostats can be set to automatically turn the heat down for a specified period of time each day or night.

Save the Warm Air

Using a bathroom or kitchen fan will quickly deplete warm air in a house. These exhaust fans pull the warm air out of the house, so use them sparingly.

If you have a fireplace, keep the damper closed when it's not in use. An open fireplace damper allows warm air to escape through the chimney.

When the sun is shining, keep the blinds and curtains open on windows that are exposed to the sun. Close these blinds and curtains at night to prevent heat from escaping out the window.

Maintain the Furnace

Check the furnace air filter at least once a month. If it is dusty or clogged, the furnace has to work a lot harder to heat the home. A dirty air filter in the furnace could even lead to furnace failure.

Having a professional check the furnace every year can prevent major problems and will allow you to address any potential inefficiencies. When an electric furnace is well maintained, it runs more efficiently, which uses less electricity.

Keep Vents Clear

Check all of the vents to make sure none of them are being blocked. Furniture or rugs that block all or part of a vent will prevent the heated air from reaching the places in the home where it needs to go.

Tags: blinds curtains, from escaping, heat from, heat from escaping, prevent heat