Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Repair Septic System Problems

Drain lines that are buried in the yard can become plugged

Homes that are not connected to city sewers will have septic tanks that are buried in a backyard in order to dispose of waste water. Proper maintenance ensures that septic systems work properly. This includes troubleshooting when issues or problems arise. Problems with a plumbing and septic tank include backup of sewage and house drains that do not work. Does this Spark an idea?


Backup of Sewage

1. Check the pumps for the septic system, and verify that they are working correctly. If a pump has failed, sewage can back up into the house.

2. Determine if tree roots have gotten into the drain lines and plugged or clogged the pipes. Dig up the drain pipe where it runs into the drainage field with a shovel. Examine the drain line, and see if there are any roots penetrating the pipe.

3. Dig up the section of yard, with a shovel, where the septic tank is located to expose the tank lid. Open the lid and see if the septic tank is full. Clean the septic tank to allow sewage to flow out of the house.

4. Stop using the garbage disposal, if one is connected to the sink. Debris from the garbage disposal can add to a plugged drain line and compound a drain problem.

5. Check the vent stack that is on the roof to make sure it is not blocked with debris, which can prevent air from coming into the system. Remove any blockage from the vent stack to correct the problem.

6. Examine the drain pipes that are running out of the house for leaking connections. You may also need to dig up the drain tile running to the drain field and see if the pipe has collapsed. Replace any section of bad pipe to correct the problem.

Tags: septic tank, correct problem, drain line, Examine drain, garbage disposal, that buried