Sunday, March 9, 2014

Reroof A Mobile Home

Mobile home roofs form rust and holes after about a decade of exposure to sun and rain. This may cause the roof to collapse if not taken care of. The plus side is that unlike houses, mobile homes are easy and inexpensive to reroof. Mobile home roofs tend to have a much lower pitch than regular homes, thus making them easy to reroof or recoat. Many are made of metal like the rest of the home and you apply the new coating directly to the roof.


1. Clean the mobile home roof thoroughly before attempting to reroof. Remove all dust, debris and clay deposits to ensure that the new roof adheres properly. Scrub the roof with a bleach solution of 1 part bleach to 3 parts water. Alternately, you can use a pressure washer.

2. Apply a roof coating, which you can find at your local do-it-yourself store. Put the roof coating on using a soft bristle paint brush or nap roller with a long handle. If you have one available, use a heavy duty paint sprayer to speed up the task.

3. Allow the mobile home roof to dry. It will feel dry to the touch after 2 hours, but will not be ready for a second coat until after 6 hours. Applying a second coat too soon will prevent the first coat from adhering.

4. Wash the paint brush and bucket or the paint sprayer immediately after use. It will be difficult to remove dried on roofing material from the tools.

Tips Warnings

Reroof your mobile home early in the day if you have morning dew. Stop roofing around three in the afternoon to allow time for the roof to dry before the dew forms in the evening.

Do not reroof your mobile home if rain is forecasted to occur within 24 hours.

Putting shingles on an existing mobile home roof isn't always wise; some roofs can't handle the weight of the shingles. Never add shingles without first knowing the load limits of your mobile home roof.

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