Saturday, March 8, 2014

Use An Ifit Workout Card

iFit is a unique workout system that integrates technology with traditional workout equipment. The iFit system takes advantage of Google's Map technology to recreate different terrains. Users can choose a route through Paris or London and have their iFit-enabled excercise equipment simulate the inclines and hills present on the route. iFit workout cards offer a similar interactive experience by combining highly customized workout routines with instruction from celebrity personal trainer Jillian Michaels or another certified personal trainer. A variety of different workout cards are available for iFit-enabled elliptical machines, exercise bikes and treadmills.


1. Select the iFit workout card appropriate for the fitness goals to be achieved. Choose carefully as each workout card is specifically designed for a particular type of exercise equipment.

2. Insert the workout card into the SD card slot on the exercise equipment. Because of the design of the card and reader, the card will only slide into the reader if it is inserted correctly. If the card is not sliding in the reader, rotate the card and try again. Additionally, ensure that the slot the card is bing inserted into is an iFit card reader slot.

3. Press the play button to begin the workout program. Use the arrow keys next to the card reader slot to select from the different workout programs loaded on the card. Use care when using the iFit workout programs as the resistance and other aspects of the machine will be adjusted to coincide with the audio instruction.

Tags: ifit, workout, card, card reader, iFit workout, card reader slot, different workout, exercise equipment, personal trainer, reader slot, workout card, workout cards